A coding noob’s chronicle — 2024This is a coding noob’s chronicle, volume VII. (Another year of keeping this ritual, this is turning a marathon now.)Dec 30, 2024Dec 30, 2024
What is spirituality to meThis post explores my own idea of spirituality. It might be controversial, or inspiring. You tell me.Jul 22, 2024Jul 22, 2024
A coding noob’s chronicle — 2022This is a coding noob’s chronicle, volume V. (Another year of keeping this ritual, this is turning a marathon now. Here are volume I…Jan 1, 2024Jan 1, 2024
A coding noob’s chronicle — 2023This is a coding noob’s chronicle, volume VI. (Another year of keeping this ritual, this is turning a marathon now.) A bunch of volumes…Jan 1, 2024Jan 1, 2024
To my first Camino de SantiagoMy first Camino’s thorough recording, for my future reference and for people who need some insight.Jan 1, 2023Jan 1, 2023
A coding noob’s chronicle — 2021This year’s keywords are doubts, progression and travel. This is my fourth volume of chronicles as a coding noob and maybe similar to…Dec 31, 2021Dec 31, 2021
A coding noob’s chronicle — 2020My 2020 keywords: layoff, quarantine, education. What about yours?Jan 3, 2021Jan 3, 2021
How to cultivate problem solving ability as a beginner developerAs a developer, we need to learn how to solve problems outside of hard technical skills. As beginners, it is even more important. But how?Aug 9, 20201Aug 9, 20201
Frontend dummie: how to set up a simple CI/CD for your personal app with GitHub actions and GitHub…This is a dummie’s journey on exploring curious/complex frontend related topics, by dummie, for dummie.Apr 27, 2020Apr 27, 2020
Five stages of grief: how it feels to be laid off during COVID-19 crisisBeing laid off is never great, but being laid off in a global crisis is worse. Let me share with you the survival story of mine.Apr 4, 2020Apr 4, 2020